We are proud of the quality of our products and value the trust of our customers, therefore we offer an unlimited guarantee and support.
What does it mean and how does it work:

1. If a material defect (for example, a change in the shade of metal, stone) or workmanship (for example, an unreliable fastener, a fallen stone) is detected during wear, and the jewelry was purchased in the aurisjewellery.com online store, it is necessary to prepare the product passport and contact our Customer Relations Department at retail@aurisjewellery.com. Situations are examined individually, and we will select the most convenient and relevant solution.

2. If there is a defect in the material (for example, a change in the shade of metal, stone) or workmanship (for example, an unreliable fastener, dropped stone) during wear, and the jewelry was purchased in a salon or store, which is our reseller, deliver the damaged jewelry and product passport to the place of purchase. If this is not possible, then contact retail@aurisjewellery.com

After receiving a damaged jewelry, Auris Jewellery technical experts will inspect it to determine if this is a warranty case, and the jeweller will check and evaluate the possibility of repair. Depending on the circumstances, product repair or replacement will be offered.

If we establish that the damage is not caused by the defects in material and workmanship, but occurred as a result of an unforeseen incident, attempts to independently make changes to the product, non-compliance with care recommendations or normal wear (for example, bent and scratched metal), and the guarantee for these cases is not distributed, it will be possible to order paid repairs at Auris Jewelery workshop.

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